What causes breast sagging?

If you’re blessed with large breasts, you probably already know how difficult it is to maintain their firmness and beauty. Large breasts are at greater risk of sagging, also known as breast ptosis, as their weight is supported mainly by connective ligaments and a thin layer of skin.

There are many factors that contribute to the loss of firmness:

Weight changes

Weight loss is usually accompanied by reduction in breast tissue, which might lead to excess skin and, as a result, saggy breasts. Yo-yo dieting is especially damaging as it also weakens the structures supporting your bust. It is best to try and lose weight gradually, and avoid any extreme diets so that your breasts have time to retract and readjust for their new shape.

Number of pregnancies

During pregnancy, your body gains weight to support the development of your baby. Similarly, your breasts go through a series of changes as the pregnancy hormones trigger the milk producing ducts causing the breasts to increase in volume. Each time you’re pregnant, the thin layer of skin that supports your breasts is stretched to accommodate the additional weight. Over time this can lead to reduced elasticity and firmness, which leaves breasts with excess skin once the breast volume is reduced following childbirth, causing sagging. On the other hand, and in contrast to popular belief, it has been found that breastfeeding itself has no effect on bust shape.

Larger pre-pregnancy breasts size

The size of your breasts prior to pregnancy also seems to have a role in development of breast ptosis. Women with bigger pre-pregnancy bra cup sizes were found to have a higher degree of sagging.


Studies showed that smoking has a major role in development of saggy breasts. It is believed that smoking triggers a breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers, which are involved in keeping your breasts firm and perky. In addition, nicotine accelerates skin aging by restricting supply of oxygen and vital nutrients, such as antioxidants.


Most women will develop some degree of breast ptosis as they age, however women with large breasts are more likely to see the symptoms of sagging earlier in their lives, some even in their teens. This is due to the force of gravity pulling breasts down, causing drooping. Additionally, as you age, the support system in your breasts weakens, further contributing to the loss of firmness.


Unfortunately your genes determine not only the shape of your breasts and ratio of fat to connective tissue, but also the rate at which you might develop sagging.

Vigorous exercise

Keeping active is very important to remain healthy, however doing so without protecting your chest can stretch the delicate support system that keeps your breasts perky. Women with large breasts are particularly at risk and therefore a well-fitted sport bra is a must if you want to remain active.

Bad posture

Although poor posture does not contribute to the development of breast ptosis, it does give an appearance of saggy breasts, especially if you round your back and shoulders forward while slouching.

Poor diet

Breasts, like any other tissue in your body, need plenty of nutrients to regenerate and remain healthy and youthful for longer. A diet low in fruit and vegetables and full of fried, fatty foods does not provide antioxidants which are particularly important in eliminating free radicals and other impurities that come from environment.

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